Archiving Techniques
Valentino Vago Archive
The Archive systematically catalogues the complete production of the artist. A general online catalogue is being prepared, to follow the catalogue raisonné edited by Skira, Milan 2011,
The Archive protects the authenticity of Vago’s works of art in the market by assessing, recording and providing a certificate of authenticity for his production. It also takes legal initiative against the circluation of imitations and other criminal activities.
The archive works along with museums, cultural organisations, private galleries, collectors and researchers to find new information and documents about the artist and his work. It also offers art consulation and loan services, and promotes the research and diffusion of Valentino Vago’s works of art.
Archiving Techniques
The below documents need sending to correctly archive:
- Picture without display cabinet, full front picture of the work of art with visibile edges, without outlines, cuts or retouching.
- Full back picture of the work of art, with visibile edges, without outlines, cuts or retouching.
- Picture of the signature or other important details for authentification (labels, archive numbers, dates, notes...)
- Caption (title, year, technique, dimensions, origin)
Pictures need to be in digital format TIF and be of professional quality- with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and dimensions should not be smaller than 30 cm in base. Pictures need to be sent on DVD via WeTranfer to
The Archive has the right to call the owner to assess the work of art before releasing a certificate of registration to the archive.
Once the pictures are sent, and after having received a positive quality assessment, registration can be concluded by paying a fee of Euros 300, VAT included (Three hundred) for each work of art, which has to be paid to:
Archivio Valentino Vago
Ubi Banca - Agenzia 5553 di Milano
Piazza Santa Francesca Romana 3, 20129 Milano (MI)
Iban IT98A03111 1613000000000779